Friday, February 25, 2011

Wow, that sounded perky.
That sounded too deep. I feel like a guy going through puberty now. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
But I am a girl. A born and bred southern girl without an accent (think Ohio) and with an education that beats up on the standard because my parents put careers over kids and had us late (late thirties early forties).
... And I kind of feel like putting a long introductory paragraph here where I highlight my most traditional and heart felt beliefs, but being an educated teenage girl, I think that would be too dramatic and would reveal things about myself that I'm not comfortable "revealing" just yet.
So, let's start small. With introductions, I mean. We can work our way up, and then eventually, maybe, I'll even consider us friends.
Maybe. I'm hard to please on that front, unfortunately for me. Awkward and hard to please. And that is not a good combination in high school, let me tell you.
But that's not small! That's... not small at all. Well, I guess you couldn't really leave out the adjective "awkward" when describing most normal teenage girls (aka not MTV made hormonal preggers).
But moving on with the show! That's probably what your thinking.
I guess I could tell you my age? That's pretty small. It's a number I'm stuck with; one that you're stuck with too, so don't be snobby about it when I tell it to you.
I'm fifteen.
Yes, fifteen.
Well into my teenage years (somewhat), but also I have a lot left to discover (in some form or another). And I want to document those discoveries. I know that it maybe unimportant (most likely) and that if I ever run for president this blog will come back to bite me in the ass.
But I just wanted to let you know, you reader, yes YOU (well not you... but... yes you! *lame attempt at a joke over*) that I'm here.You don't have to care, or read on, but I wish you would.
Because the first thing I want to talk about besides introductions is how shitty it is sometime. I'm not just complaining as a lazy teenage girl, but seriously.
Life can be shitty.
It's just a fact.
For anyone, let me try to list everyone here, babies, toddlers, tweens, teens, young adults, middle-aged adults, older adults, and just plain old people. And remember that despite the appearance of those younger or older than you, everyone is just a shell. Most of the time, we emulate the government. We show you what you want to see so you stay happy. If I showed you my deepest feelings you'd probably call me weird or dare I say "gay". But those are just generic statements that people shout at each other to try to disguise feelings.
Or, that's who you really are. Cool beans.
Be who you are and shit. That's what everyone always tells me and then they shove magazines up my ass and tell me that I have to stay in dress code. So much for being who you are.
Sorry! I didn't make this to complain. I just, again, (always getting off task) wanted to introduce myself (my name is Caitlin by the way) and I wanted to say that if you'r having a crap day, that I'm here (what a consolation! *sarcasm) and that these are the wise words that always keep me going: This too (added: my future friends, maybe!) shall pass.
Oh, and I thought I could end each day on a quote (I know, I'm so original! *sarcasm, and I feel like I have to label my sarcasms because I'm pretty sure it doesn't always translate..)

Quote of Caitlin's Day: "To life remains an art which everyone must learn, and which no one can teach." -Havelock Ellis

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